The Ocean of Light overcomes the ocean of darkness.

SeaQuaker is a writing website of Daniel Eugene Wilcox a poet and fiction writer.
Poetry is creative play in the imagination, a wander and a wonder--a way of seeing, a way of feeling, a way of being; re-envisioning our perception, to experience images and moods and truths via the deep structure of far-reaching words.
Travel within toward the truth and find meaning in this cacophony called Life.
Three collections of Daniel's published poetry are in print--
Dark Energy,
Psalms, Yawps, and Howls,
and selah river.
Browse through his poems, short stories, one speculative novel
and his philosophical musings to see this world, life, and the cosmos from a different perspective.
Daniel earned his degree in Creative Writing from Cal State University, Long Beach. He is a former activist, American and world literature teacher, roving wanderer and explorer-- from Montana to the Middle East, casting lines out upon the turbulent waters and far shores of this troubled world.
Journey through the wide swim of human consciousness and its many tributaries.
Yes, travel rivers of the world
and rivers of the soul
and rivers of the mind.
Read one of his recently published poems, "A Poetic Debacle of the American News" at his blog site:
Check out a haiku, one low-cool short poem on the Central California's damp gloom summer at vox poetica:
Reflect on the loss of loved ones and the nature of being human and death--
"Poem for My Dad " and "Deaf to Death" at Lightwaveseeker:
Consider mirror images in reverse of how we can face Life, dealing with trials, tragedies, and difficulties-- "bidingTimeabiding"
Delve into the joy of romance in "Moon River" published at Poetry Pacific.
Encounter the world of Afghanistan in the poem "The Road to Elsewhere" at Fish Food Magazine.
Need a good laugh in the midst of so much current human tragedy and political chaos?
Try "The Pullout Coyote"
my true but funny poetic story of our encounter
with a wild critter in Yosemite last year.
Experience the speculative alternate history and future narrative of 3 alienologists who travel from across the galaxy
to study Earth and its humans, but instead get caught up in alien joys, trials, and tribulations--
from the Oregon Trail and the American War Between the States to the Great Depression
and the future high-tech of 2074.
Experience The Feeling of the Earth.
Available now in Kindle e-book or paperback at Amazon, Barnes & Noble,
local book stores, and libraries across the United States.
And get ready for 2 more books coming your way late in 2017, the 4th collection of Daniel's published poetry, Last Things,
and a tense present-day suspense thriller, An Eye for the Beheading.
Our perceptions so decisively affect how we think and make our ethical choices.
Deal with the moving film over your eyes.
It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a poem...
Growing older, starting to consider retirement, caring for your elderly loved ones, contemplating the wonder
of our brief lives, then head north to Poetry Pacific Magazine and ruminate on the poem "Retreaded."
Find a way to bring goodness out of your problems and trials and tragedies. Read "Nail Holes" at Enhance Literary Magazine.
Ready for the joy of romantic love. Read "Roll Ever Columbia" and "Northeast Night" at cavalcadeofstars.
Hold hands again! Check out "two hands" a romancing of romance at vox poetica. Share the lyric with your sweetheart.
Looking for insightful poems on life, social issues, and history:
"The Last Libation,
" Midnight Voyager,"
" The Revolution,"
and "Ah, Bird Poop Van."
What a travail is politics and nationalism!
Look at Palestine versus Israel, Afghanistan versus the U.N., Syria and Russia versus the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and 30 or more Islamic jihadists groups.etc. Read of the tragic senseless nature of war at The Write Room:
"After the Battle"
Doesn't religion sometimes want to make you gag?
When natural disasters slaughter thousands of humans, and destroy, many Christian and Muslim leaders claim it is the "finger of God!"
Several years ago a major Christian leader claimed that 90 tornadoes which slaughtered humans were commanded by God,
that the winds were from Jesus!!!
Consider a different perspective: "Let's Do the 'Twister'"
at The New Verse News.
Weep for the innocent in "Caught in the Act in Iraq."
Or be shocked into action by his Christmas poem, "To Whom It Does Not Concern," on the website, and a reflection on time and history in "Of Things Past and Present" at Static Movement.
Daniel has a deep passion for peacemaking, ethics, and human rights. Read other poems of ethics and passion by Daniel Wilcox at these fine magazines: vox poetica, Poetry Pacific, Contemporary American Voices, Dead Snakes, Camel Saloon, Ascent Aspirations, Mad Swirl, Knot Middle Eastern Literary Journal, Mouse Tales Press, The Paradise Review, Ancient Paths Literary Magazine, The Mindful Review, Greensilk Journal, vox poetica, Front Porch Review, Unlikely Stories, Eunoia Review, Enhance Literary and Art Magazine,, Bigger Stones, Decades Review, Lyrical Passion Poetry, Widowmoon Press,, Midwest Literary Magazine, The New Verse News, Poetry Super Highway, Three Line Poetry, Media Virus Magazine, Western Friend Magazine, A Handful of Stones, Widowmoon Press, Liturgical Credo, Yes, Poetry, Four and Twenty, Gloom Cupboard, The Clockwise Cat, Rubber Lemon, The Medulla Review, Structo, vox poetica, Willows Wept Review, Haiku Journal, Lyrical Passion Poetry, Moria,, The Centrifulgal Eye,, Lunarosity,, Hanging Moss Journal, The New Verse News,, ocean diamond,, The Writer's Eye, Mad Swirl, Abandoned Towers, The Scruffy Dog Review, Oak Bend Review, Crossing Rivers Into Twilight, Tipton Poetry Journal, The Cherry Blossom Review,, The Houston Literary Review,, Lucid Rhythms, Word Riot,
Identity Theory,, Halfway Down the Stairs,, Right Hand Pointing, Frame Lines, The Externalist,,The Driftwood Review,, Flutter Poetry Journal,, Frostwriting,, Words-Myth, Ink Sweat & Tears, Erbacce Print Journal, Sentinel Poetry Online, The November 3rd Club, Word Catalyst, the poetry warrior, Mississippi Crow Magazine,, The Cerebral Catalyst, Anthrozine, Ink, Sweat, & Tears, Stylus Poetry Journal, Idlewheel Literary Friction, The Indite Circle, The Rogue Poetry Journal, The WriteSideUp, La Fenetre International Literary Magazine, The Other Side Magazine, The Bicycle Review, A Handful of Stones, The Copperfield Review, Unfettered Verse, Leaf Garden, Calliope Nerve, Static Movement, Counterexample Poetics,,, Writer's Ink, The Recusant, Full of Crow, The Shine Journal, Danse Macabre, Clutching at Straws, etc.
Daniel resides on the central coast of California with his wife and former homeless feline, Smoke.
Besides creative writing, he reads a lot, shoots photography, and finds time to swim. He's an old backpacker who in the past
hiked up the two tallest peaks in Arizona and California, (to the top of Mount Whitney in the Sierra Nevadas), and down
into the bottom of the Grand Canyon on many of its South Rim trails. But now he hikes into his computer room each day
in the fall of his years:-).
Well, it's not quite that bad; Daniel has hiked with his wife in the wild red rock country of the Southwest, in Florida, Maine, Kauai, up in Oregon,
and in Olympia National Park in Washington State.
He ages but doesn't petrify, because he takes walks with his wife on the Central Coast, and swims lots of laps.
*Reference of the Site Logo:
I saw, also, that there was an ocean of darkness and death; but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness. In that also, I saw the infinite love of God, and I had great openings... George Fox
Also, check out Daniel's newer writing websites at,,,
and a bit of jabbwocky whimsy at
His personal blog of musings on Ultimate Reality, ethics, religion and social history, literature, media, and art is at
Experience a few of his poems and stories
at Lightwaveseeker:
Daniel Eugene Wilcox